10 Août 2016
Trucs et astuces pour ranger ses bijoux
Savez vous pourquoi, la plupart du temps où l'on s'apprête à sortir, on ne pense pas à mettre son joli collier ou ses belles boucles d'oreilles ? Tout simplement parce qu'on ne les voit pas, ou...
Mud Pie Studio: Paintbrush Ornaments
I started with inexpensive paint brushes from Home Depot, and taped them off for painting. I chose these colors for the handles and applied with a foam brush: After this dried, I covered the wooden
Saving with Sarah: DIY Photo Pendant for under $2.50!
It's freezing outside and I don't want to leave my house! I'm using this "indoor" time to get some of my crafting projects done. I'm planning on giving these necklaces for mothers day, but they ...